
Transform Audio into Written Content


Content with this 'UNVERIFIED CONTENT' seal has been generated by AI in a summarized form, without alteration by the Hunts AI team or the platform. Meanwhile, 'verified' content has been meticulously created by the Hunts AI team or the platform.
Unverified Content

Updated At: 08/21/2023

Castmagic uses AI to transform audio into written content, saving you time and effort. Transcription, show notes, summaries, and social media content are all generated automatically.

Features Castmagic

  • Transcription

    Turns full episode audio into a clean, ready-to-publish written format, eliminating the need for manual transcription. Saves time and enhances usability for text-based content creation.

  • Show Notes

    Produces instant timestamps, topics, and other show note requirements. Enables easy reference and improves content comprehension for audience.

  • Summaries

    Generates short summaries of discussed topics broken out by each speaker. Aids in quick understanding and highlights key discussion points.

  • Social Content

    Automatic generation of tweet threads, LinkedIn posts, and quote clips to promote episodes on social platforms. Improves engagement and expands reach.

  • Perfectly Clean Transcript

    Offers hassle-free, perfectly cleaned-up transcripts. Enhances readability and accessibility for users, allowing repurposing of content.

  • Timestamped Overview & Notes

    Provides overviews and notes with timestamps, facilitating easy content navigation for users. Assists in pinpointing key topics and highlights within the content.

  • Ready To Use Quotes & Highlights

    Identifies and formats memorable quotes and key highlights for immediate use. Makes it easy to extract and share noteworthy content bits.

  • Personalization

    Customizes website experiences unique to each visitor, optimizing site performance and conversions. Enhances user experience through personalized touch.

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