What is Avoma 3?
Avoma 3.0 is a revolutionary AI Meeting Lifecycle Assistant that aims to transform the way individuals and businesses manage their meetings. This sophisticated platform leverages the power of artificial intelligence to assist in meeting preparation, execution, follow-ups, and insights generation, offering a more seamless and efficient experience. Avoma 3.0 is designed to let you concentrate on your conversations while AI handles the rest.
The tool exhibits human-like capabilities in capturing detailed meeting notes, thereby eliminating the tedium of manual note-taking. It saves you approximately 10 minutes per meeting that would otherwise be spent in jotting down minutes. Meeting insights are another key aspect that Avoma 3.0 addresses effectively. It is more than just a transcriber; it recognizes a broad spectrum of topics from your interactions over diverse meeting types and use cases, making it a superior meeting intelligence solution.
Avoma 3.0 is not restricted to English alone. It supports transcription services for 20+ languages, turning your discussions into a searchable knowledge repository in the language you prefer the most. Furthermore, it provides a user-friendly meeting scheduler function to plan one-on-one conferences, group meetings, or to configure round-robin routing.
How to Use Avoma 3: Step-by-Step Guide to Accessing the Tool
To start utilizing Avoma 3.0, the first step is signing up on the platform. Once your account is created, you can customize it based on your specific needs. The platform allows you to start scheduling meetings, with timely reminders to reduce no-shows.
Your meetings are constantly monitored by the AI assistant that effectively captures the minutes and generates detailed notes. After each meeting, you can access these notes that facilitate follow-ups and serve as a reference for future meetings. Additionally, Avoma 3.0 analyzes the transcripts and meeting notes to derive insights pertaining to your discussions.
Avoma 3.0’s capabilities extend beyond just meetings. It connects with Slack to deliver real-time alerts regarding the key phrases or terms discussed during your meetings. This keeps you in the loop even when you are away from your desk or during extra busy days.
Avoma 3 Use Cases
Avoma 3.0 serves as a powerful tool for various roles within organizations. For Sales Leaders and Sales Enablement teams, Avoma offers an accurate overview of their interactions, highlighting key data points and providing actionable insights that lead to improved outcomes in future discussions.
The platform has a designated dashboard for SDR Leaders that offers insights on team performance and sales-customer interactions. Account Executives (AEs) can enhance their deal closing strategies based on the intelligent inputs from Avoma 3.0. The assistant also supports Customer Success (CS) Leaders and Customer Success Managers (CSMs) in delivering better customer experiences and solving customer challenges more effectively. Marketers can monitor their conversations and refine their strategies based on Avoma’s insights.
In a nutshell, Avoma 3.0 enables all stakeholders in an organization to manage conversational intelligence and drive their operations more effectively, leading to overall growth and success.