Features Tactiq with GPT-3
ChatGPT summary
ChatGPT generates concise meeting summaries, outlining key points to ensure no vital information is missed, enhancing post-meeting reviews.
ChatGPT Action Items
Automatically extracts and assigns tasks to members, eliminating confusion on duties, optimizing task delegation, and follow-up activities.
ChatGPT bullet points
Converts lengthy discussions into comprehensible bullet points, making it easier to digest information and reference key points.
Meeting Notes
Provides an organized layout for convenient reading and referencing of meeting transcription, enhancing information recall and tracking.
Save Transcripts
Automatically stores live meeting transcripts that can be exported for later use, ensuring users have a permanent record of meetings.
Live speech-to-text
Transcribes meetings in real-time, allowing attendees to focus on the conversation, cutting-down on retrospective note-taking.
Ready to Share
Allows sharing the transcripts with other attendees via link, email, or Google Docs, increasing transparency and collaborative review.
Integration with popular tools
Syncs with Google Meet, Zoom, Notion, and more, catering to a wide range of users and enhancing usability, enabling data portability.