Features Outset ai
AI-Moderated Interviews
Saves significant representation time by conducting multiple interviews simultaneously, while ensuring in-depth insight extraction.
Multiple Language Support
Allows for conducting interviews in numerous languages, ensuring seamless global outreach.
Insights Synthesis & Analysis
Provides instant analysis of transcripts, summarization, theme extraction, and highlighted verbatim.
Quick In-depth Results
Offers high-speed and precise user insights with hundreds of conversations conducted in less than a day.
Guide Upload/Crafting
Caters to individual research needs through customizable guides that can be created or uploaded.
Link Sharing for Participation
Simplifies participant engagement by sharing a user-friendly link.
Range of Qualitative Methods
Supports diverse research approaches including concept tests, diary studies, sentiment analysis, etc.
Brand Equity Research
Eligible for in-depth assessment of brand perception, value, and equity among audiences.