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Features JustLearn

  • Multilingual Tutors

    Offers a variety of language tutors to cater for users seeking to learn different languages. This is convenient for multilingual learning.

  • Easy Sign Up and Login

    Streamlined sign-up and login process, ensuring that new users can easily create accounts and existing users can access their accounts with ease.

  • Recommended Tutors

    Features list of recommended tutors, providing users guidance on top-rated tutors and facilitating efficient decision making.

  • Language List

    An extensive list of languages available for learning. This gives users a wide range of choices to learn the language they prefer.

  • Professional Tutors for Each Language

    Each language comes with professional tutors who are skilled in teaching their respective language, ensuring quality learning.

  • Message Notification

    Alerts users of important messages or updates related to their learning. This keeps users updated in real-time.

  • Potential for Learning Multiple Languages

    Users have the opportunity to learn multiple languages using the same platform, catering to diverse learning goals.

  • Privacy Policy and Terms

    Outlines how user information is protected and dictates the terms and conditions of using the service, ensuring user safety and trust.
