Features Jenni
AI Autocomplete
Writes with you to overcome writer's block, enhancing productivity.
In-text Citations
Automatically cites in APA, MLA, IEEE, Harvard styles, aiding in error-free bibliography creation.
Paraphrase & Rewrite
Rephrases any text suiting your tone, assisting in producing unique content.
Generate From Your Files
Revives your research papers via source-based generation, facilitating comprehensive study.
Chat to your PDFs
Summarizes research papers, offering a quick understanding of complex topics.
Outline Builder
Provides section headings based on your prompt, alleviating the process of structuring your write-up.
Custom Styles & Tones
Allows selection of tone for your writing needs, ensuring apt tone for the content.
Research Library (Coming Soon)
Will store and manage research in a library, enabling easy citation of research in any document.